Disk Read Statistics: Request: ${G_CACHE_REQ_READ_COUNT} (freq: ${G_CACHE_REQ_READ_RATE}/s), Actual Disk Read: ${G_CACHE_DICK_READ_COUNT} (freq: ${G_CACHE_DICK_READ_RATE}/s), Hit Ratio: ${G_CACHE_READ_HIT}
Disk Write Statistics: Request: ${G_CACHE_REQ_WRITE_COUNT} (freq: ${G_CACHE_REQ_WRITE_RATE}/s), Actual Disk Write: ${G_CACHE_DICK_WRITE_COUNT} (freq: ${G_CACHE_DICK_WRITE_RATE}/s), Hit Ratio: ${G_CACHE_WRITE_HIT}
<RunNewTaskWhenDlBelow>Iniciar nova tarefa se a média de descárrega é menor de:</RunNewTaskWhenDlBelow>
<RateNotice>Nota: A súa velocidade de descárrega é proporcional á súa subida, se non sube a otros, non poderá descarregar de eles. Os usuários de DSL deben limitar a súa subida a un pouco menos da súa capacidade de liña ou non poderán obter unha boa descárrega.</RateNotice>
<RateNoLimit>Sen límite</RateNoLimit>
<GroupListenPort>Porto escoita</GroupListenPort>
<ListeningMode>Porto escoita:</ListeningMode>
<NoListeningMode>Sen escoita (ralentizará a descárrega)</NoListeningMode>
<ChooseRandomPort>Empregar porto aleat├│rio</ChooseRandomPort>
<GlobalLimitDisableByScheduler>(Superseded by Scheduler)</GlobalLimitDisableByScheduler>
<GroupProxy>Opci├│ns do servidor proxy</GroupProxy>
<GroupProxyAuth>Opci├│ns de autentificaci├│n</GroupProxyAuth>
<Instruction>Windows XP SP2 has Half-Open TCP Connection limitation, which may cause problem for p2p programs. You may adjust the default setting here if you know exactly what you are doing. Please note that a system file: tcpip.sys need to be modified, which may cause problem for your system.</Instruction>
<Help>Detail Help</Help>
<CurrentSystem>Current OS version:</CurrentSystem>
<Notice>Important Notice: In order to make change of tcpip.sys, Windows System File Protection will be disable temporarily druing the modification. The original file will be renamed to "TCPIP.SYS.ORIGINAL".</Notice>
<OSUnrecognized>OS unrecognized.</OSUnrecognized>
<FileVersionUnrecognized>File version unrecognized.</FileVersionUnrecognized>
<EnterCorretNum>The number should be 10-200</EnterCorretNum>
<LimitSetSuccessed>Modify succeed. It will take effect after reboot. Do you want to Restart Windows now?</LimitSetSuccessed>